Mr. Mujahid Gokak(MG)

Mr. Mujahid Gokak is known as one of the best trainers  in the field of technology training in the City of Belagavi, having tremendous experience in I.T industry for over 10 years spanning from Cloud Computing technology, SDLC, Mobile Application development, Virtual Machines, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence Networking & Programming.

He worked as a trainer in corporate world towards his end of corporate career where he has immense experience in coaching candidates globally ranging from Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the United States.

He is sometimes referred to as ‘Master’ of  programming because of his amazing coding skills since his college life and having won multiple accolades in coding, coding in his blood is what those close ones to him say, his students after learning to code have settled in United Kingdom & United States. His passion for teaching is innate. His students have mastered programming skills where he teaches 100 of custom code programming examples.

His magnetic personality and making complex & tedious concepts very simple makes him very popular among his students.